Current Issue Vol. 13, No. 2 (2024)

Original Article
Challenges and opportunities in achieving secure hospital clinical mobility management: An illustrative use case
George A. Gellert, Glynn Stanton, Michael Paulemon, et al.
Original Article
Facilitators and barriers for high-reliability training in medical centers
Regina Knowles, Carol Jones, Blake Webb, et al.
Original Article
The reality of patient bodily waste management: Nurse perceptions of current practice & staff safety
Debra Harris, Rodney X. Sturdivant, Anupama Kannan
Original Article
How much do hospital staff know, how much do they care, and what should they know about economic aspects of Diagnosis Related Groups? The case of an Italian children’s hospital
Guido Modugno, Tina Corelli, Martina Vardabasso, et al.
Original Article
Quality improvement in hospital: How knowledge and attitude affect job performance across different professional groups
Maryam Pirouzi, Somayeh Afshari
Forgiveness as morally serious response to errors in healthcare: A narrative review
Sidney W.A. Dekker
Original Article
Disparities in neurosurgical care: Using length of stay to evaluate efficiency of care in New York City hospitals
Alexander N. Eremiev, Cordelia Orillac, Karl Sangwon, et al.
Original Article
A tale of two patients – How did the pandemic impact patients’ usage of health portals
La Vonne A. Downey
Original Article
Discoveries and insights from implementing telehealth in a tele-acute unit: A retrospective study
Gregory N. Orewa, Erin E. Blanchard, Sue S. Feldman, et al.
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Journal of Hospital Administration (JHA) is now calling for papers for the coming issues in Volume 14. The topic can be in the fields of managing practice and research in all branches of hospital administration. JHA welcomes original articles, reviews, case study and experience exchange. It is published in both online and printed versions.
If you are interested in publishing your work in our journal, You can submit your article by email submission: or online submission:
Your paper will be processed within 24 hours. The reviewing process takes about 4-10 weeks.
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